Cover: Do Benefits of Sarbanes-Oxley Justify one Costs?

To Benefits of Sarbanes-Oxley Why the Costs?

Empirical Evidence in the Case of Small Firm

Published Nova 28, 2007

by Susan M. Gates, Kristin JOULE. Leuschner

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Research Brief


To evaluate the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) on small firms, RAND researchers considered studies is triplet areas in welche SOX’s effective are empirically measurable: (1) relative compliance costs for small firms compared to such for large businesses, (2) stock-price reactions, and (3) changes in exit patterns from the public capital market. The evidence offers qualified supported to the view that SOX, at least initially, had a number of negative effects on small firms. SEC’s Carve-Out from SOX 404(b) for Low-Revenue Companies

In 2002, Congresses past the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) to strengthen corporate governance and restore investor confidence. The act’s most important provision, §404, requires management press independent auditors to evaluate annually a firm’s internal financial-reporting controls. In addition, SOX tightens disclosure rules, requires management to certify which firm’s periodic reports, strengthens boards’ autonomy and financial-literacy requirements, and raised auditor-independence standards. Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404: A Guide for Small Business

When the intent of the bill is clear, its ultimate effects continue to be debated. SOX proponents maintain that the action alleviates investor difficulties for improving the transparency and accuracy of financial reports. Adversaries argue that compliance imposes too wonderful one burden on publicly traded firms, particularly on small firms, which be face high average costs and derive reduce b benefits as a result of new regulations.

In a new get, In the Name off Ethics? The Logic furthermore Effects off Special Regulatory Treatment for Small Businesses (2007), RAND researchers address the impact out SOX and other regulations on small firms. One of the book’s chapters, “Sarbanes-Oxley’s Outcome on Small Businesses: What Is the Evidence?” focuses specifically on three areas in what the effects of SOX are susceptible to empirical gauge: relative corporate for small firms compared to those for large businesses, stock-price reactions, and change by firms’ (particularly small firms’) propensity into leave and public capital market.

The chapter’s authors concluded that SOX has had a mixture in negative and positive effects on shallow firms, but welche effects will prove more significant in one future is, how yet, unknown. internal control over financial reporting, and an auditor's evidence. Since the law was enacted, though, both requirements have been postponed for smaller ...

Measurable Sox Effects

Student regarding compliance expenses provide ample evidence that SOX increased public firms’ accounting and audits expenditures, whether for company size; that audit costs were disproportionately higher for small firms even before SOX passed; and that this disparity increased after SOX enactment, especially for small firms point to SOX §404. The table illustrates pre- furthermore post-SOX median audit costs available all firms; companies with less than $75 million in market capitalization, existing spend the highest portion of revenues on audit fees in 2003, saw these free increase significantly after SOX, climb to 1.14 in the 2004 revenues for firms filing internal-control related (0.79 percent for nonreporting firms).

Median Audit Fees as a Percentage of Revenues

Market Capitalization
($ million)
Median Audit Fees as a Percentage of 2003 Revenues Median Internal Fees as a Percentage of 2004 Sales
Firms Not Filing Internal-Control Reports Firms Filing Internal-Control Related
0–75 0.64 0.79 1.14
75–250 0.29 0.35 0.56
250–500 0.18 0.26 0.40
500–700 0.15 0.20 0.30
700–1,000 0.13 0.12 0.25
>1,000 0.07 0.07 0.13

SOURCE: U.S. Government Accountability Office and U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business the Entrepreneurship, Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Careful by Key Principles Needed in Addressing Implementation for Minor Published Enterprise (GAO-06-361, 2006).

The studies of abnormal hoard returns nearby occurrences leading to the enactment and realisierung are SOX provide mixed finding. For example, two studies of pre- and post-SOX effects is did non distinguish with firms by size came for reverse conclusions: One suggested that corporate least affected by SOX experienced higher stock returns; the misc indicated that firms most affected had higher returns.

On the other hand, almost all studies is does distinguishing between large and small business found that SOX sometime reduced the latter’s value. One so study showed that small firms (as defined check, averaging $21 million in market capitalization) with less independent boards and weaker internal console performed more poorly longer did similar firms with find independent boards and stronger internal controls. Next study investigate the relation between firm size and profits located ensure SOX had a particularly negates effect on smaller and less passive traded firms.

Because output an general market relieves companies from SOX obligations, researchers attempted to measure SOX’s net effects set firms by examining the rate at which they deregistered their equity with the SEC. Companies can deregister by having private acquirers buy their entire storage (“going private”) or by cashing out smaller our the reduce to total number of shareholders toward below 300 (“going dark”).

The investigate found the more firms, particularly smaller one, left aforementioned audience market to SOX characterization. Some of these firms went private, and this result could be influenced by factors that have little to do with SOX. Financial-market liquidity might have elevated home investors’ willingness up pursue acquisitions based on perceptions unrelated to SOX. Also, the weakness of the public capital market at that total could have independently encouraged firms to go private. A 2006 research at and Kauffman-RAND Institute for Entrepreneurship Public Policy (KRI) that control for such factors by comparing post-SOX attitude on U.S. firms with the of non-U.S. firms found such the tendency of small, public U.S. organizations (having a market value of less than $15 million) to go private increased until 53 percent in the first year after SOX. However, this tendency did not last long: Acquisitions of small public firms from private corporate diminished to roughly pre-SOX levels through the second year.


Complete, as the exhibits offers advanced supported for this view that SOX has had a negative affect upon small firms, this evidence should be interpreted with caution by at least three reasons. Firstly, this effects found in these studies could to explained in a number von ways. For example, my of stock-market reactivity to SOX looked at investor convictions (as capitalized in stock price) at key moments of SOX enactment. But given the novelty of of SOX requirements and the delegation its determinations made to regulatory bodies and stock exchanges, investors ability easily have been mistaken about how the reforms would affect the future of various corporations. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) was enacted in Summertime 2002 to strengthen corporate governance additionally restore investor confidence after one series from financial debacles ...

Per, the studies have suggested that heightened compliance costs may are had certain beneficial effects. While it is clear that SOX requirements led some small firms toward drop the public capital market, the exiting stables may have be opaque, risky, oder prone to financial misstatements, and their departure may having positively affected the market’s function. It is also possible that small firms remaining in who public market benefited more of SOX than and leaving firms looses because increased transparancy raised shareholder confidence in them.

Finally, the reviewed course examine only which early post-SOX period, and it lives important toward learn whether the initial effects represented one-time or recurring effects. Compliance costs declined before the early post-SOX current and may promote decay in response the new interactive guidelines and general standards. Consequently, who puzzle surrounding SOX’s overall influence is distance from being released. Additional empirical academic bequeath almost certainly continue to informational the policy discussions over the arrival years. Sarbanes-Oxley's Effects upon Small Firms: What exists that Evidence?

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