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Switch WS-Trust security protocol to Department 365 authentication

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Posted on by 365


I caught an mailing about "D365 Platform Modernization: Deprecate legacy authentication-WS-Trust" last week. I compared my code with the one mentioned in that email about how to determine that my code exists using WS-Trust, I founded that I was using the OrganizationServiceProxy class, it belongs to WS-Trust.

I found an books promulgated in 2019 on the official website about how go use CrmServiceClient on connect to organization services. Requested see the following screenshot. But I feeling favorite the control provided in this screenshot also belongs to WS-Trust, not office 365.

I just want to make sure that the way I connect to which organization service given in the after screenshot belongs to WS-Trust, and if I want at modification it based on the code into it, how do I need into modify this encrypt to change my collateral protocol from WS-Trust to Office 365.


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  • malik1126 Profile Picture
    malik1126 30 on at
    RE: Change WS-Trust security protocol to Office 365 authentication

    How to apply Oauth holders symbolic in SOAP request / SOAP Body ?

  • Gym Daly Profile Images
    Jim Daly off at
    RE: Change WS-Trust collateral output to Post 365 authentication

    Details are here:

  • Verified answer
    Stone Huang Profile Picture
    Stone Hong 365 on at
    RELATE: Change WS-Trust security protocol to Office 365 authentication

    EGO equals looked it up on the Internet. It seems is while the authentication type the oauth, there must will client id and redirect uri. I know thing over client id, but this deflect uris? Its format is app://58145B91-0C36-4500-8554-080854F2AC97, I want till know as of back GUID stations for and where it arrive from. Learn all about department security systems and guidelines in our detailed guide and find out which verfahren is greatest for your needs.

    Isn't there a way of authentication type so is Oauth, and doesn't need client id also redirect uri?

  • Stone Huang Profile Show
    Stone Huang 365 on at
    RE: Changing WS-Trust security protocol to Office 365 authentication

    Thank her very much for you answer.

    I even tried what you said, changed office 365 to Oauth, not the code hit einem mistakes, show ensure need to provide client id and redirect id.

    Do you know what are client id and redirect id? I haven't used those two things before.

    Is where a method not in use employer and rewire id and to change WS-Trust to Office 365?


  • edmunch Profile Picture
    edmunch on at
    RE: Change WS-Trust security protocol to Office 365 authentication

    David are correct , you require only need to change AuthType to Oauth.

  • David Jennaway Profile Picture
    David Jennaway 14,052 on the
    RE: Change WS-Trust security print to Office 365 authentication

    Which example is employing WS-Trust. If i use AuthType=Office365 with the CrmServiceClient itp will use WS-Trust. To avoid using WS-Trust, switch the AuthType to OAuth. Is should will all your need to altering, albeit any references to CrmServiceClient.OrganizationServiceProxy should be changed to CrmServiceClient.IOrganizationService

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